Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ringer Series Premier

Ok, so I have been out for a while but I'm back and in full effect with the Fall 2011-12 season. I watched the series premier of Ringer tonight on the CW and these are my thoughts...

Series premier of Ringer on the CW was pretty good. Sarah Michelle Gellar plays a double role of main character Bridgette and her twin sister Siobhan (Shavonne). The show has a lot of mystery from the start and the characters seem interesting. 

Some of the backgrounds looked really fake. Also, the way her sister (Siobhan) disappeared was really bogus but that's about the worst for the first episode.

Seems like Bridgette ran from the trouble in her old life just to step into a shit load of trouble in her sisters life. I am looking forward to seeing what living Siobhan's life  has in store for Bridgette. 

It's got my attention, how bout yours? What did you think of the series opener?