Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wow! Hawthorne on TNT was the "Bomb"

OMG! This weeks episode of Hawthorne was soooooo good.

First off, my girl Lisa Raye was on the show as Miles' wife. She slapped the sh&# out of Camille because of her son. That was crazy, but you can't really blame her, I mean that was her son's life that Camille put in jeopardy.

If Camille wants to be playing grown up and taking care of somebody else's children then she should be more responsible than she was.

I know that Camile is a good girl and it's not like she gave the little boy peanuts on purpose, but come on Camille if you are going to try to take care of someone's children then take care of them. Right?

I can not freakin believe that Christina slept with Nick. Ok so that is bad enough... excuse me Mrs. newlywed. But then she did it outside in the backyard at his mom's house... Really? What in the world is wrong with you?

Where do we go from here? Do you guys think that Tom and Christina will get a divorce? How will Christina react to Camille's and Miles' love confessions?

Can't wait to see what happens next!

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