Monday, May 30, 2011

Jumping For Joy

(Photo from google images)

This photo makes me think of happiness. Jumping for joy and being able to let everything go for a while. For me, this is what “my shows” represent. When I come home from a long day at work, or get done from hours of studying and I just want to get away and be happy for a while, I watch my TV shows. Whether it is trying to figure out who committed the crime on CSI, or laughing my head off at Bones, or even crying my eyes out about what is going on in any one of “my shows”; they allow me to be able to step away from the world.

When I look at my DVR and realize that I have the option to pick between many of my shows to help me relax and bring my day to a delightful end, I am overjoyed. My TV shows are a breath of fresh air for me when I need to just let go of what’s going on around me, and let my mind be consumed by something else.

The joy that I see in this picture is something that I believe that everyone in the world should be able to experience. It is true that what happens on TV shows is not real, and that to some people they are really unimportant in the big scheme of things. Yet for me, when I am able unwind and get away by watching my favorite shows, I experience joy and inside I feel like jumping for joy.

Summer Season Is Coming

(Picture from

So, I hate to say it, but since the fall season is over, I will not be talking much about my fall shows. Instead I will begin with my summer shows, the first of which will be The Glades. The new season starts Sunday June 5 on A&E. The Glades is about a detective, named Jim, that got in some trouble in Chicago and moved to "The Glades" thinking that he will be living the easy life as far as his job is concerened. However, he ends up working some pretty interesting murder cases. Life for Jim gets even more complicated when he starts to fall for a married women.

I like this show first and foremost because of the crime/drama suspense it has. These are my favorite of my favorite kind of shows. I am really into trying to figure out all the medical and criminal delimas that go down in these shows. I also like the chemistry between Jim and Callie(his married friend). I actually like all the charecters in the show, but this is only the second season so we will see how long that last.

I will continue to update my thoughts and feelings on this show once the show starts. Also, as my other summer shows start to roll around, I will start TV talking about them. Untill then...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

About This Blog

Picture from

Why TV?
As a person who spends a lot (and I mean a lot) of my free time watching television, I have contemplated starting a blog about "my TV shows" for quite some time now. While I am obviously no expert on the topic (i.e. student and phlebotomist, not TV critic) I still have a lot to say.

I love being able to talk to people about what has happened on a particular show that I love, or what should have happened, and especially what could end up happening. I love telling people who don't know about any of "my shows" all the juicy details and hope that they will want to start watching so I can have yet another person to talk TV with.

Why do I consider myself a TV junkie?
Well, it’s really simple. Watching my TV shows is my favorite past time. I feel elated when I get to sit and spend time with the characters from my shows. Watching their stories, I fall in love with them. I talk to them like they can hear me (I don’t expect them to answer, I’m not crazy just hooked). I miss my TV friends when they are gone. I can’t wait until the next show so that I can get another dose. Enough said!

What are “my shows”?
Well there are many. I watch so many shows that I am sure if I try to list them all I will forget to add more than one or two of them to the list. Anyway, it doesn’t matter because Dramalicious is all about the Drama! And there are also lots and lots of “my dramas”.

When I say drama, I mean drama. Every kind of drama show that they have I watch. I watch medical dramas, crime dramas, comedy dramas, family dramas, sci-fi dramas, and drama dramas.

What is my favorite kind of drama?
It’s kind of hard to really break it down to my favorite kind of drama. If I absolutely had to choose a favorite kind it would be crime dramas. My absolute favorite crime drama is Bones. Bones is about a genius anthropologist, Dr. Temperance Brennan (nickname Bones), who works with the hot FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth. Bones and Booth solve murders with the help of Bones’ expert team of ‘squints’ (some really, really smart people).

I love the characters on this show. The chemistry between Booth and Bones is undeniable. Angela, Bones’ best friend is such a sweetheart. Everyone else also plays their part to make this an excellent show. The cases are interesting. There is also times where, like any good drama, you will laugh your butt off or cry your eyes out. I would definitely recommend it to anyone that likes crime dramas.

Besides Bones, other crime dramas I really like are NCIS, NCIS LA, all the CSIs (though New York is my favorite one ‘love Mac Taylor’), Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, and the list goes on and on and on.

How often will I post?
Since I am pretty busy with school and work, I rely heavily on my DVR. This means that I will probably not see each and every one of my shows on the day it airs. I am still working out the schedule at which I will put up new post. I am hoping to post at least four times a week.

So, here it goes, my attempt at broadening my group of TV talkers. I am very interested to hear what you might have to say.