Monday, May 30, 2011

Jumping For Joy

(Photo from google images)

This photo makes me think of happiness. Jumping for joy and being able to let everything go for a while. For me, this is what “my shows” represent. When I come home from a long day at work, or get done from hours of studying and I just want to get away and be happy for a while, I watch my TV shows. Whether it is trying to figure out who committed the crime on CSI, or laughing my head off at Bones, or even crying my eyes out about what is going on in any one of “my shows”; they allow me to be able to step away from the world.

When I look at my DVR and realize that I have the option to pick between many of my shows to help me relax and bring my day to a delightful end, I am overjoyed. My TV shows are a breath of fresh air for me when I need to just let go of what’s going on around me, and let my mind be consumed by something else.

The joy that I see in this picture is something that I believe that everyone in the world should be able to experience. It is true that what happens on TV shows is not real, and that to some people they are really unimportant in the big scheme of things. Yet for me, when I am able unwind and get away by watching my favorite shows, I experience joy and inside I feel like jumping for joy.


  1. I had to laugh when I read your post because I absolutley looove television so I can relate all too well. Some may call it unhealthy but as a busy mom of three (including 4 year old twins) who goes to school and works full time "my shows" are my therapy. There is nothing like coming home after a busy day at work, school, then making dinner, giving baths, doing laundry and escaping the mundane realities of life through my television set and my DVR. And thank GOD for the DVR right!?! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on some of the programming that is out there. I love the image you chose and how you relate it to your blog. Great picture, great post, great blog!!! I am excited for your future posts!!!

  2. Thank you. It is so exciting to see people get excited about talking T.V. I hope that you continue to come back and let us know what shows you like and what your thoughts are about them.
    You are totally right. The DVR is definitely a Godsend.
