Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Introducing "Made Me... Mondays"

One of the reasons that I love watching T.V. so much is because the characters in my shows have the most wonderful ability to make me laugh, cry, get mad, think, remember, and so much more. While watching one of my shows one day, Life Unexpected (WB, cancelled) I was in tears, I mean balling, boo-hooing, crying so hard that when I got up to get tissue (during the commercials of course) my fiancé wanted to know "what's wrong, are you ok?". When I told him it was just one of my shows, he fully understood; he's used to it. Then, I was elated because I got to tell him why I was crying and all about what happened in my show.

One of the ways that I rate how much I like/love a T.V. show is by how much it makes me feel, or even think about things, beyond just what’s happening on the screen. I checked-out a brand new show tonight called "Single Ladies" on VH1. Since this show is new I don't know too much about it yet. According to the website for the show, ""Single Ladies" is a comedic drama about Val, Keisha, and April - three best friends with different philosophies on sex and relationships". There has only been one episode for this show that comes on Mondays at 9pm. So far I like what I see. This show made me laugh, but the thing that I liked most was that it made me appreciate what I have. I know that the type of drama that these ladies contend with is all too real. Some of the issues that they are dealing with I have had to deal with myself in the past. So, while watching the show I couldn't help but to be thankful for my relationship with my fiancĂ©.

For me to be able to watch a show and appreciate it for not only the entertainment value, but also for what it appeals to within me, is a marvelous thing.

So, "Made Me... Mondays" will give us T.V. talkers the opportunity to praise one of our shows in particular that made us think about or feel something that we would like to share. I bet I am not the only T.V. junkie who is able to appreciate my shows for this reason. Tell me, what has your show made you do today?

(Image found on google)

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