Friday, June 24, 2011

One of My Favorite Dramas of All Time

I have to admit that when Charmed first aired in 1998, I had no interest in magical dramas on TV. I was only fifteen and more worried about boys and cheerleading. However, when I first started watching Charmed in about 2002, I plunged deep into a whole new kind of love.

Charmed was a show that always had something going on. It was about three sisters, Piper (my fav), Phoebe , and Page. Well at least when I started watching it those were the three sisters. Before I started enjoying this show the oldest sister Prue had died. So, Piper, Phoebe, and Page were witches and they were awesome. There was always some demon or any other kind of evil creature one could think of, that they had to “vanquish”, this means kill in Charmed language.

You would think that a show that lasted from 1998 all the way until the explosive finale in 2006 would have gotten a bit boring with the same kind of things going on every week… bad demon tries to kill the Halliwell sisters or maybe some “innocent”, Halliwell sisters kick some serious demon butt. Yeah! But that never happened for me. Sure there were times when I thought that they could have spiced it up a bit more one week or another, but it was ask and you shall receive with this show. It never stayed slow for more than one week straight, and every show has some down time.

I know that nothing good lasts forever but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to cry every time I think about never getting to see another new episode of Charmed. This show was the epitome of what a good drama should be. There was the dynamic family connection with the sisters, their men, the children, grams, and tons of friends of the family. The show was full of action every week and always kept you wanting more.

I can only hope that someday soon there will be a spin-off of the show. My mom and I talk all the time about what it should/could be about. I want to know… did any of you ever watch Charmed? If so, and even if you didn’t, what would you like to see in a spin-off? How did you feel when the show went off the air? What do you think we Charmed lovers can do to bring a spin-off about? Let me know what you think.

Images found on Google Images and at IMDb

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